Artists' Guild of Anna Maria Island Scholarship
2024 Applications Now being Accepted!
Scholarship Guidelines
The Artists' Guild of Anna Maria Island will award one $500.00 scholarship to a 2024 graduating senior of a Manatee County Public High School who plan to major in the field of a performing arts, fine arts or arts education (visual art, dance, music and drama) at an accredited, post- secondary institution.
The award will be made directly to the chosen education institution for his/her use for education expenses including materials and books.
The applicant must meet the following criteria:
Be a resident of Manatee County, as well as a Manatee County high school graduating senior.
Have maintained a 3.0 or higher high school GPA. 3. Plan to attend an accredited, post- secondary institution.
Plan to major in fine arts or arts education (Visual Arts, Dance, Music, Drama)
Demonstrate achievements in the fine arts (Visual, Dance, Music, Drama)
Submit a one-page, typed statement: What the arts mean to me and the role I envision for myself in the arts.
Application and artwork will now be submitted electronically.
Applications must be received no later than April 1, 2024. No exceptions will be permitted.
Click Here to Apply
Download Application for instructions.
Join us in supporting Manatee Public Schools Education ... donate to our Scholarhip Fund.

Be the one ... Make a Difference
The Artists' Guild of Anna Maria Island is a 501(c)(3). Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. law, and 100% of all proceeds go directly to the Artists' Guild of Anna Maria Island.